Don’t miss the anniversary edition of Cosmetic 360 in Paris!

Don't miss the anniversary edition of Cosmetic 360 in Paris!

Haven’t booked your badge for the 10th edition of Cosmetic 360 ? Don’t wait any longer, book your place on 16 & 17 October 2024 for the world’s leading event for innovations and trends in the fragrance and cosmetics industry at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris.

Organised by Cosmetic Valley, the world’s leading fragrance and cosmetics network and coordinator of the French industry for 30 years, this 10th edition will bring together 250 exhibitors and more than 5,000 international decision-makers from 70 countries to discuss the latest innovations in the industry.

An exceptional anniversary edition

To mark its 10th anniversary in this Olympic year, Cosmetic 360 organizes the Cosmetopiads, the first international competition for cosmetic excellence.

This international competition of excellence will host 14 pavilions from all around the world, showcasing their cosmetic ecosystem.

Highlights of the Cosmetopiads will include, in a spirit of excellence, respect and friendship:

 A great opening ceremony,
 The discovery of cosmetics ecosystems from all around the world,
 And a medals ceremony for cosmetic excellence.

This year’s event will focus on ‘longevity-durability’

In 2024, Cosmetic 360 will feature a program of conferences in 4 sessions:

 Trends in ‘longevity-durability’: brands, new concepts, etc.
 Packaging: sustainable materials, reuse, refills/bulk, deposits, etc.
-Industry: Services (green logistic, predictive maintenance, new claim tests, etc.).
-Ingredients: anti-senescence, regeneration, etc.

The program will also include:

 A new innovation route will identify exhibitors presenting solutions linked to ‘longevity-durability’.
 A ‘Favorite’ prize from the ‘longevity-durability’ jury for the Cosmetic 360 Awards to reward a notable innovation among exhibitors.
 A Tech Corner presenting a technology developed by the CNRS: an extraction process using hyper-accumulative plants to remove metals from soil and obtain a material rich in colouring compounds.

Not to be missed:

 Animation zones (Deeptech, Fragrance, French Beauty, etc.).
 Innovation Challenges between international project developers and leading companies.
 A start-up village: an area specially dedicated to young start-ups, with the support of Beauty Tech Chartres.
 A Research & Development zone bringing together academic research players working for the fragrance and cosmetics industry.
 A Factory zone dedicated to machinery and equipment.

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Cosmetic 360

Cosmetic 360


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