Melania Trump Booed By Students In Baltimore After Donald Called City A ‘Rat-Infested Mess’

High school and middle school students protested First Lady Melania Trump’s appearance at a Baltimore ‘Be Best’ event, booing her throughout her five-minute speech until she left the stage.

More like be booed. First Lady Melania Trump received a chilly reception from an audience comprised of mostly middle school and high school students on November 26, as a speech she attempted to give at the University of Maryland was drowned out by boos and protests. Students at the B’More Youth Summit on Opioid Awareness loudly jeered Trump as she walked out onstage, and again as she exited the stage after her five-minute speech.

The event was part of the First Lady’s “Be Best” initiative, which focuses on issues that affect American children, including, according to the White House, “well-being, online safety, and opioid abuse.” The students’ heckling lasted for about a minute, as you can hear in the video below. “Thank you to all of the students who are here. I am so proud of you for the bravery it takes to share that you have been strongly affected by the opioid epidemic in some way,” Trump said as the students continued shouting.

Her speech comes four months after her husband, President Donald Trump, called Baltimore a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” while attempting to insult Elijah Cummings, the late Democratic congressman whose district included large parts of the city. He tweeted that the district was “considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States,” and claimed that “no human being would want to live there.” The Baltimore Sun Editorial Board later ran a response stating that it was “better to have some vermin living in your neighborhood than to be one.”

This is the first time that the first lady has been booed at a solo public appearance, though she has been met with protestors. Her husband, however, hasn’t been able to go anywhere without getting jeers lately. The president was memorably booed during the World Series in Washington, DC, and a UFC match in New York City. His son, Donald Trump Jr., was booed offstage during an event at UCLA in October, to promote his book — ironically titled Triggered.


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