Halle Berry’s Trainer Reveals The Exact Workout Moves She Does To Get Those Rock Hard Abs

Halle Berry’s trainer Peter Lee Thomas spilled all the details on the exact exercises she does on a regular basis to get her incredible physique and explained why it works in an EXCLUSIVE interview with HL.

Halle Berry looks amazing at the age of 53 and her trainer, Peter Lee Thomas, is revealing exactly how she does it! The knowledgeable fitness instructor spoke EXCLUSIVELY with HollywoodLife about the workout moves he does with the fit actress on a regular basis and explained why it’s helped her achieve incredibly toned abs. It all begins when they work on the certain areas of her body that she wants to improve and just progresses from there.

“We do get on areas that she wanted to carve out more and we do a lot of full body workout,” he EXCLUSIVELY told us. “We do a lot of unusual things. Where I want to go with that is she doesn’t do the typical like, okay, we’re going to do a thousand sit-ups today. A lot of the times, that gets overlooked and people think that by giving that, they’re going to get rock-hard abs, and it’s not always the case. You have to consider things like diet a little bit and you have to ask, ‘what are the things that are stimulating that part of the body the most?’ Let’s pull out 10 things and out of these 10 things, pick out the two you’re having a really hard time with.”

“With this subtraction, you’re taking away those things that she’s really good at, but then going back and revisiting those things that she’s having a hard time with,” he continued. “Usually those two things, when you put them back to back, a lot of time you will start seeing growth and changes, because it’s a specific type of stimulus that you haven’t been able to get. That’s what we’ve done. We’ve done things as simple as grabbing a pull-up bar and just bringing her knees or her toes up to the bar and then rather than letting her legs fall down, she hangs out up there for a second and then, okay, she’s going to put her toes in the bar and then now I want her to take 30 seconds to go from that position to where her feet are down at the ground.”

Peter went on to explain that some of Halle’s workout moves are all about control and doing certain moves slowly, which can be beneficial. “There’s a lot of negative work happening there [with the pull-up bar], meaning having to control that downward movement versus just letting her legs flop to the ground,” he explained. “So we do a lot of symmetric based things and a lot of really slow moves. We slow down a little bit even with light weights, if you go slow and you do things really controlled, we kind of almost time it. I like to do this thing occasionally with my clients… a one minute pull-up where I grab the pull-up bar and as slowly as I can, I want to take my time on going up for 30 seconds, and then I hang out at the top of the bar and then I go back down and reverse for the second half of 30 seconds. If you can survive and endure that, then that means you can probably crank out 20 pull-ups with perfect form from down to bottom.”

Peter also talked about the 40% rule with workouts and how he’s introduced it to Halle. “It’s like the Navy SEALS, they have a 40% rule, and I shared that a lot with her. I think when you literally feel like you’re going to pass out and you’re going to faint, you’re actually only 40% there,” he said. “You actually have 60% more that you can actually dish out. It’s just that mind-body barrier that sometimes you’re trapped in. I think with her, that’s what we did. We really used that every time at the end of her training, no matter what it was, and eventually, she just was like, ‘Okay, I can clearly see I’m getting better at this now.’”

Halle often shows off her amazing body on social media so it’s awesome to know how she’s able to achieve such a figure! With all the work she does, we don’t blame her for flaunting it whenever she can. “We work out anywhere between four to five days a week on average,” Peter concluded. “Sometimes the workouts are 20-30 minutes long, sometimes they’re 45 minutes, sometimes they’re an hour and a half. There’s been many cases there was two-hour long workouts because we’re doing several disciplines. We’re doing martial arts, and we’re doing fitness at the same time. That fluctuate, can change based on her schedule. But yeah, I would say comfortably four to five times a week she’s training.”

Sourse: hollywoodlife.com

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