Zero-waste cardboard: Metsä Board upcycles its side streams in animal farms

Zero-waste cardboard: Metsä Board upcycles its side streams in animal farms

As part of its efforts to reduce to zero the quantity of process waste sent to landfill, the Finnish paperboard maker has entrusted Soilfood, a circular economy company, to study how fibrous side streams from its mills can be reused.

Metsä Board’s mills manufacture high-quality fresh fibre paperboards focusing on lightweight and high-quality folding boxboards, food service boards and white kraftliners. Soilfood suggested to use the fibrous fractions deriving from the mills as a raw material in animal bedding. This new use allows the material to be kept in use longer.

“One of Metsä Board’s 2030 sustainability targets is zero tonnes process waste to landfill. Together with our partners we work to find new uses for the waste generated in our production. Dry fibres for animal bedding are a good new example of how process waste can be a useful side stream, where valuable raw materials remain in use for longer,” says Kaisa Malinen, Quality and Environmental Manager at Metsä Board.

These new types of bedding fibres are a renewable alternative to peat moss commonly used in animal farms in Finland, the availability of which will decrease in the coming years. The first products were introduced to the market in spring 2024.

The availability of peat is projected to halve in the coming years. Developed from industrial wood fibre side streams, the new bedding is an option for producers that will also be available in the future. It has the characteristics of conventional bedding and is suitable for both cattle and horses,” adds Soilfood’s CEO Eljas Jokinen.

After use, the bedding can be spread on arable land, increasing the soil’s carbon stock. Similar wood fibre-based raw materials developed by Soilfood are already used as soil improvement fibres.


Soilfood's animal bedding

Soilfood's animal bedding in use


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