CPL Aromas responds to market constraints with EcoBoost technology

CPL Aromas responds to market constraints with EcoBoost technology

A family enterprise founded in 1971 in the United Kingdom, CPL Aromas grew at a fast pace over the next decades, in particular on the global level. Since the 2000s, the composition company has refocused on perfumes, while multiplying technological advances. These include EcoBoost (2009), an innovation based on a sustainable approach – an asset more than ever needed to respond to the current constraints related to perfume creation.

EcoBoost helps significantly reduce the concentration of perfumes, without compromising on power and quality. With low concentrations, intense materials can be used in higher quantity, and therefore offer the same performance as current standards. By using only 10% of a standard quantity, this innovation provides a solution to the increasingly complex issues when it comes to perfume formulation.

Reduced concentration

With lower concentration, volume, and sourcing, the EcoBoost technology reduces the energy needed for manufacturing. This way, CPL Aromas helps lower its perfumes’ carbon footprint and boost brands’ sustainable credibility. The main benefit of this innovation is its low concentration: perfumers can craft high-performance trails with a palette of powerful, renewable ingredients. “If this technology has always been ecofriendly, now it can meet the increasing demand for sustainability”, says Alexandra Paumard, evaluator at CPL Aromas.

But EcoBoost has more than one string to its bow. Thanks to condensed formulas, perfume concentrates and volumes are reduced, which minimizes packaging and transport costs. The low concentration also reduces the mass of ingredients and allergens, so the label is also lighter. In addition, with a very low solvent quantity, EcoBoost enhances the solubility, stability, and compatibility of perfumes with their bases. Plus, it solves the increasing challenges related to sourcing.

The industry is facing sourcing issues which compel companies to work with tight flows”, explains Alexandra Paumard. “The EcoBoost technology helps source less and better, without compromising on quality and on the olfactory characteristics of the formulas. That is a valuable point, given the rise of raw material costs.

Ultimately, this innovation offers the advantage of reproducing the same formulas, whatever the form: a fragrance, a candle, or a skincare product.

Redesigned compositions

Given its low concentrations, EcoBoost drives companies to rethink their formulation methods. Olivier Maurel, perfumer at CPL Aromas, explains that this technology required some time to adapt, in particular as regards the choice of raw materials. “In the first years, experimentation helped develop a methodology, which was passed on to younger perfumers.

The EcoBoost palette is composed of about 200 ingredients, including powerful CPL captive molecules, so perfumers can craft intense trails. Thanks to this innovation, companies can reintegrate materials whose use is limited by IFRA, “including natural ingredients like oak moss, or molecules such as coumarin, or certain musks”, and still be compliant with current regulations. “Since the quantity used is ten times lower, we can use more, proportionately”, adds Olivier Maurel.

Lastly, the EcoBoost technology makes it easier to use expensive, qualitative natural ingredients to which certain customers would not have access with standard formulas. All in all, this innovative approach frees the search for aesthetics from many regulatory or financial burdens.

A technology for a large customer base

Initially prized by mass consumption brands, EcoBoost now targets customers with various profiles, including in fine perfumery. Its sustainable assets and sophisticated formulas appeal to niche, high-end companies looking for creativity.

With EcoBoost, CPL Aromas offers a 360° response to most varied creative specifications. Perfectly adapted to the requirements of an ever-changing market, this promising technology paves the way for new creative opportunities, since it is compatible with the use of innovative captive molecules.


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