One of Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds’ public hobbies is trolling each other on Instagram, and Lively found a good reason to poke fun at her husband yesterday. Digital satire artist RonaldMcDonkey posted an image of Reynolds’ head Photoshopped onto someone wearing a “FUN” t-shirt and American flag underwear while sitting on a grocery store checkout table. Lively commented twice on the Instagram, writing, “Please stop stealing my personal photos,” and “☺️☺️☺️😉🥰”
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Blake Lively’s comments
Reynolds hasn’t responded to his wife publicly yet, but it’s only a matter of time. Reynolds last trolled his wife on Mother’s Day, sharing a shot of her alongside his mother and her mother. His post started genuinely and ended with a very Ryan Reynolds joke. “I salute these three incredible mothers for their wisdom, strength and ability to forever appear as though they’re standing at the doorway to their own surprise birthday party.” he captioned it, hashtagging #HappyMothersDay.
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Lively teased Reynolds for his relationship with her mother earlier this year, when she announced their $1 million donation to Food Banks Canada and Feeding America for coronavirus relief.
She wrote, “Though we must be distancing ourselves to protect those who don’t have the opportunity to self quarantine, we can stay connected. Remember the lonely and isolated. FaceTime, Skype, make a video. Remember the love that can travel through all this. Communities are stepping up—shopping for the elderly, making lunches for children. We can all do something for one another, even if that’s simply staying home. ❤️ Sending so much love. Now can someone please tell Ryan that ’emotional distancing’ from his mother in law is not a thing. Nothing can save him. ☺️”
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