Melania Trump Fires Back After She’s Accused Of Not Caring About Coronavirus

Melania Trump took to Twitter to post a response to ‘negative’ trolls who accused her of not caring about the dangerous coronavirus after she took the time to help work on the White House tennis pavilion.

Melania Trump, 49, spoke out against some Twitter users who accused her of not caring about the coronavirus, which has infected around 101,400 people and killed 3,400 people nationwide, on Mar. 7 and her response included a bit of advice. The First Lady’s Mar. 5 post about her work on the tennis pavilion at the White House is what brought on the negative comments and after some suggested she wasn’t putting her time and energy into something that was important, like the virus, she made her own suggestions.

“I encourage everyone who chooses to be negative & question my work at the @WhiteHouse to take time and contribute something good & productive in their own communities. #BeBest,” her response to the trolls read.

Melania’s defensive tweet comes after the coronavirus, which has symptoms similar to pneumonia symptoms, has been making headlines for spreading to growing numbers of people all across the world, with most of them in mainland China. Various countries are taking steps to try and stop things from getting worse by cancelling large gatherings and having people who work in large offices work from home. President Donald Trump, 73, visited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, GA on Mar. 6 for an update on how the United States, which currently has more than 300 cases, is fighting against the virus. He also visited Tennessee, where officials estimate around 24 people died from a deadly tornado that passed through the Nashville area earlier this week.

The first cases of the coronavirus emerged in China in Dec. and is believed to have come from a seafood market in Wuhan. Authorities are encouraging everyone to wash their hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer and to avoid touching their face or getting in close contact with anyone who may have the virus to avoid getting it. On Mar. 6, President Trump signed an $8.3 billion coronavirus spending bill and said that although the virus was “an unforseen problem” that “came out of nowhere”,  he and his team are “taking care of it.”


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