Elizabeth Warren Ignores Meghan McCain’s Interruptions On ‘The View’ & Viewers Are Cracking Up

While explaining her wealth tax plan on the Jan. 7 episode of ‘The View,’ Democratic Presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren totally ignored Meghan McCain’s attempts at interrupting her and social media took notice!

Senator Elizabeth Warren had a plan when she appeared on The View during the Jan. 7 episode. The Democratic Presidential candidate took to the stage to answer a line of questions from each of the co-hosts, but didn’t fluster at all when Meghan McCain tried to interrupt. It all began when the Senator started to explain her wealth tax plan — a cornerstone of her platform. “Let’s talk a little bit about the tax plan,” she said to Joy Behar. “I think it’s time for a wealth tax in America,” she revealed to rousing applause from the audience. “It’s a tax on the top one-tenth of the one percent, $50 million and above…On your fifty-millionth-and-first dollar you’ve got to pitch in two cents and two cents on every dollar after.” Once the Massachusetts Senator explained that portion of her plan, she went on to share how it would help provide “universal child care for every baby in this country ages zero to five, universal Pre-K, $800 billion into our public school,” and so much more.

But during her time explaining that policy, Meghan had a few questions — or, more like comments. While Senator Warren was on a roll explaining the benefits of her tax plan, Meghan continued to try to interject with no avail. Even Meghan’s words seemed muffled under the candidate’s enthusiasm for the idea and the potential affects it could yield for the country. At one point during the clip, viewers could even see Meghan looking off to production, cringing, as if searching for a lifeline to get her back into the conversation. It was a fairly tense moment, at least on Meghan’s side, and Twitter was more than ready to jump into the discourse!

“I was going to vote for @ewarren anyway, but her seamless, effortless ignoring of Meghan McCain has me even more committed that vote,” one Twitter user commented. Another chimed in to reiterate the same sentiment, adding, “@ewarren is so awesome. She has great plans and ideas for how to implement those plans. I hope the sexism in this nation isn’t strong enough to defeat her.” Other users took a cheekier reaction to the clip saying that it singlehandedly “just did my laundry,” while the another person tweeted, “it did my dishes and walked the dog.”

Clearly, Senator Elizabeth Warren is in full campaign mode as seen in the above clip. The next Democratic debate will be held on Tuesday, January 14, 2020, at Drake University in Des Moines. If her appearance on The View was any indication, Senator Warren has a plan!

Sourse: hollywoodlife.com

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