‘Growing Up Hip Hop’ Finale Preview: Egypt Tells Tee Tee She ‘Ruined’ Her Reputation

Egypt and Tee Tee have a dramatic fight in this EXCLUSIVE ‘Growing Up Hip Hop’ finale preview, and Egypt accuses Tee Tee of lying and sabotage.

Egypt Criss and Tee Tee Francis have a heated heart-to-heart alongside Pepa and Maureen, Pepa’s sister. Egypt tells Tee Tee in this EXCLUSIVE preview of the July 29 Growing Up Hip Hop finale that she’s a liar. “What lie have I said? Say a lie,” Tee Tee claps back. Egypt responds, “The lie is you pretending that you don’t know what the hell you’ve done.”

Tee Tee asks Egypt to explain. “You sabotaged my reputation and you brought me down,” Egypt says. “You ruined my reputation.”

Tee Tee asks Egypt to explain how she’s ruined her reputation. (WE tv)

Egypt continues, “I am a princess right now, but I am going to be a queen one day. I have a legacy to live. I’m sorry if you don’t understand what I’m talking about. I am a queen. I got blessed to be in this woman’s womb [looks at Pepa]. Hip hop… I am it. This is my legacy. This is my place. You tried to take my place.”

Maureen tells Egypt that she finds it difficult that Egypt could say Tee Tee ruined her reputation. “You have to take control of your reputation,” Maureen says.

Tee Tee admits that her line was drawn when Shawn got brought into the drama with those cheating rumors, and he never needed to be in it. She gets up to leave and Pepa chimes in, “She always do this. See how she’s disrespectful and always walking out?” Pepa wants to clear up this drama before it escalates even more.

Egypt accuses Tee Tee of sabotaging her reputation. (WE tv)

The synopsis for the Growing Up Hip Hop finale reads: “Jojo’s showcase ends in a melee between Tanice and Sakoya, Jojo Hailey’s daughter who exposes Angela’s past. For the first time in over a year, Egypt and Tee Tee come to a head and settle the score in an epic family reunion.” Growing Up Hip Hop airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on WE tv.

Sourse: hollywoodlife.com

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