Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian Share Statements About His Pancreatitis Scare

On Saturday, Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian used Instagram to address Barker’s frightening trip to the hospital on Tuesday. They explained the situation was very serious, but expressed immense relief and gratitude for Barker’s recovered health and expressed thanks to the fans who supported them this week.

Barker wrote his statement on Instagram Stories, explaining in text, “I went in for an endoscopy Monday feeling great. But After dinner, I developed excruciating pain and have been hospitalized ever since.”

He continued, “During the endoscopy, I had a very small polyp removed right in a very sensitive area, usually handled by specialists, which unfortunately damaged a critical pancreatic drainage tube. This resulted in severe life threatening pancreatitis.”

Barker concluded, “I am so very very grateful that with intensive treatment I am currently much better.”

On her account, Kardashian echoed the sentiment, saying, “Oh what a scary and emotional week it has been. Our health is everything and sometimes we take for granted how quickly it can change. Travis and I went in for a routine endoscopy together and he ended up with severe, life-threatening pancreatitis.”

She added, “I am so grateful to God for healing my husband, for all of your prayers for him and for us, for the overwhelming outpouring of love and support. I am so touched and appreciative.”

She also shouted out the doctors and nurses at Cedars Sinai for their “wonderful care” of both herself and her husband.

“It’s crazy how sometimes words could never truly express the gratitude or feelings I have inside me,” she finished.

Barker and Kardashian recently celebrated their wedding in Italy, one of three ceremonies they marked their union with after an elopement in Las Vegas and an official legal wedding in Santa Barbara. The weekend event gathered all of the Kardashians and Jenners together in a small seaside town to witness their commitment and love.


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