The event, which took place from December 5 to 7 at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai confirmed its constant growth since its creation. According to the organizers — BolognaFiere Group and Informa Markets – the 2024 edition of Cosmoprof India welcomed 11,124 attendees (+27% compared to 2023), travelling from all over India, as well as from UAE, Nepal, Sri Lanka, USA, Russia, Italy, South Korea, and other countries. They enjoyed networking and interaction with 345 exhibitors representing more than 700 brands (+55% compared to last year) from 21 countries and regions.
With 57% of visitors coming from outside India (34% of those from Europe, 9,5% from the Americas and 26,5% from Asia Pacific) the show’s international participation reached unprecedented heights.
Notably, 76% of exhibitors attended the exhibition for the first time, underscoring the global beauty community’s growing interest in India. The growth of the exhibition is confirmed by the prominent growth of the exhibition area, which expanded to 20,252 square meters (+68% compared to 2023).
The participation of 9 group and country pavilions including Australia, Brazil, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan Region, and UK increased the exhibition offer.
The organizers also paid strong attention to the event’s match-making programs. Approximately 200 senior executives and top buyers attended Cosmoprof India, taking advantage of exclusive b2b match-making tools at their disposal.
The exhibition offer was paired with exclusive insights and special initiatives. More than 350 stakeholders attended the 16 educational sessions of CosmoTalks and CosmoForum, with the contribution of renowned trend agencies such as Asia Cosme Labs, Beautystreams, Centdegres, Ecovia International, Euromonitor International, Fashion Snoops, WGSN along with companies such as Bombay Shaving Company, Looks Salon and Reliance Retail.
The show was also the occasion of a series of events dedicated to the professional channel, with the launch event of One Shot by on Hair, with live demos and hair styling sessions attended by more than 250 people, and the presentations of the World Massage Meeting, focused on massage and holistic treatments.
The Cosmoprof India and Cosmopack India Awards, curated by Beautystreams, celebrated the most outstanding products at Cosmoprof India 2024 and the evolution of consumers’ beauty routines. This year, the contest recorded a dramatic growth in submissions, up to +105% compared to last year. Over 400 people attended the Cosmoprof India Awards & Networking Night on December 5, which featured the ’Runway by Cosmoprof India’—a Fashion Beauty Show curated by designers Paras and Shalini of Geisha Designs.
The next edition will take place in Mumbai again, from 4 to 6 December 2025.