Almost two months after Meghan Markle and Prince Harry welcomed their daughter Lilibet Diana on June 4, the royal family got around to updating its website to indicate that she’s eighth in the line of succession, right behind Archie. Lili’s absence before then made headlines amid reports of Meghan and Harry’s strained relationship with the British royals and raised the question of whether it was accidental or a possible deliberate slight.
Lili’s name now in the line of succession
It comes after the British press had days of coverage over whether the Queen gave Meghan and Harry permission to use her nickname Lilibet for their baby girl’s name. The BBC reported that it was told by a Palace source that the Queen was not asked about Meghan and Harry using Lilibet. But the couple’s rep released a statement making it clear the Queen knew, and they had her blessing.
The couple’s spokesperson said, “The Duke spoke with his family in advance of the announcement, in fact his grandmother was the first family member he called. During that conversation, he shared their hope of naming their daughter Lilibet in her honor. Had she not been supportive, they would not have used the name.”
The couple also issued a legal letter to the BBC, accusing the outlet of “false and defamatory” reporting for its story claiming the Queen wasn’t consulted on the name.
The Lili line of succession omission also got attention a little over a week after Harry announced his upcoming 2022 memoir that would tell his life story, including his time in the royal family.
Buckingham Palace didn’t immediately respond to the news, but the Palace eventually declined to comment to People with a surprise verbal statement: “Any clarification about the book would be a question for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex,” the Palace said, referring to Meghan and Harry by their titles.
People was told by a spokesperson for Harry that the Duke spoke privately with the royal family regarding the book’s publication very recently, so they weren’t blindsided. The spokesperson added that Harry would not be expected to obtain permission from Buckingham Palace for the project.