Our beloved ‘Fuller House’ crew bid farewell in an emotional and hilarious series finale. DJ, Kimmy, and Stephanie all married their loves and the final moments featured a big surprise — there’s a baby on the way for one of them!
DJ, Kimmy, and Stephanie are all getting married in the Fuller House series finale, but they run into a major problem right away. Their wedding venue has been seized! Now they have nowhere to get married or someone to marry them. The trio ends up deciding to get married in the backyard, where they’ve shared so many memories. Danny is in charge of finding an officiant, which brings back familiar faces like Gia and Matt.
Joey walks Kimmy down the aisle, Jesse walks Stephanie, and Danny walks DJ. In the end, Danny came through with the best officiant: Joey McIntyre! The couples each have their own vows. “Steven Hale, when we met as teenagers, you were kind and funny and so handsome,” DJ says during her vows. “But I never could have anticipated the really great man you would become. I love you, I cherish you, and I can’t wait to begin the next chapter of my life with you.” Is anyone else crying?!
DJ, Kimmy, and Stephanie on ‘Fuller House.’ (Netflix)
For Steve, this is a day that he’s been dreaming about since he was a boy. Marrying DJ means that “sometimes a boy’s dreams do get to come true.” After their vows, the couples are officially married!
Joey and Jesse give emotional toasts at the reception. “One of the great honors of my life was to be included in this family, and I can’t wait to see what happens next. I love you guys,” Joey says. Jesse follows with, “I have to say, when I first moved into this house, I was a young, clueless kid with a hole in my heart that I thought would never heal, but you all filled that hole with so much love. I wish you all a lifetime with as much love as you’ve given me.”
DJ and Steve on ‘Fuller House.’ (Netflix)
The next day, the crew prepares to say goodbye as Kimmy, Stephanie, Jimmy, Fernando, and the kids move out. DJ thanks Kimmy and Stephanie for moving in 5 years ago when she was at her “lowest point.”
When Kimmy and Stephanie leave, it’s just DJ left in the living room. After a moment, there’s a knock at the door. It’s Kimmy and Stephanie! They want to continue living in the house. “We can’t imagine raising our families any other way,” Kimmy says. Stephanie tells DJ and Kimmy that there’s nowhere else she’d rather be because she’s PREGNANT! “So, what do you think? Can we stay?” Stephanie asks. DJ replies, “Of course, the door is always open.” And that’s how it will remain… forever.
Sourse: hollywoodlife.com