Seppic unveils a biomimetic formula in preview of in-cosmetics Global

In extension to the theme chosen at the Cosmet’Agora trade show held last January in Paris, Seppic has chosen to draw inspiration from cinema and the emotions it evokes
In extension to the theme chosen at the Cosmet’Agora trade show held last January in Paris, Seppic has chosen to draw inspiration from cinema and the emotions it evokes
The personal care ingredients provider has introduced a new “versatile and easy-to-handle solution” designed to protect the scalp from dandruff and oiliness. Suitable
Save this storySave this storySave this storySave this story In “Weegee’s Secrets of Shooting with Photoflash,” a 1953 instruction manual for hobbyists and would-be professionals, the famed photojournalist Arthur Fellig offers this piece of advice: “A news picture is like…
Save this storySave this storySave this storySave this story Back in 2021, I wrote an essay about the great musicians who, surprisingly, had performed at my high school, in Kansas City, in the nineteen-sixties: the Crystals, the Drifters, Booker T.…