Cosmet’in Lyon: Two days of scientific talks about the exposome

Cosmet'in Lyon: Two days of scientific talks about the exposome

The 31st edition of the Skin Science Days organised by Cosmet’in Lyon will take place on February 2 and 3, 2023 at the ENS Lyon on the theme: “Exposome: Healty life for a healthy Skin.” Organized every two years, the CIL Skin Science Days are part of the mission of Cosmet’in Lyon to create privileged links between academic researchers, interprofessional organizations and industrial players, to share the latest scientific advances and to support excellence and expertise in cosmetology [1]. Aurélie Pagnon, R&D Manager at Novotec and Treasurer of Cosmet’in Lyon, and Nicolas Bechetoille, Research Manager, Head of Cell Biology Lab at Gattefossé and Secretary of Cosmet’in Lyon take stock of what will be at the agenda.

The CIL Skin Science Days 2023 will deal with the exposome. What did you choose this topic?

Nicolas Bechetoille – The exposome is a topical concept even though it was identified by Christopher Wild in 2005. It was first established in oncology and then extended to all sciences. It is defined by the cumulative measurement of environmental influences associated with biological responses throughout life, taking into account exposures from the environment, diet, behaviour or even endogenous processes [2]. In other words, our health, our body and our skin are not only regulated by genetic factors, but also influenced by external factors, which would be responsible for 80% of skin aging.

Aurélie Pagnon – Indeed, it is not only genetics that accelerates the aging of the skin. Sun exposure, smoking, eating habits, also impact our health and our skin. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 23% of deaths and 25% of chronic illnesses worldwide can be attributed to environmental and behavioural factors.

What will these days focus on?

Nicolas Bechetoille – The sessions will deal respectively with lifestyle, environment and endogenous/hormonal factors, knowing that each individual has their own exposome! Our goal is to achieve an understanding of the individual and cumulative influence of the various factors. Actually, some combinations may have cumulative effects and we have a duty to inform.

You mentioned the complexity of the subject. Are there topics that are easier to explore than others?

Aurélie Pagnon – The action of UV rays is easier to test because the technology is validated and the exposure process is more specific and more easily quantifiable. Conversely, the female hormonal process acts in the long term and makes it more difficult to understand the mechanisms and measure the impact.

Nicolas Bechetoille – The complexity lies in the ability to establish the cause and effect link between the exposome and its consequences. This is only possible when a pathology is present and has skin markers, such as diabetes in relation to nutrition.

Who are these two days for?

Nicolas Bechetoille – We want to shed light beyond dermo-cosmetology. We will approach it from the perspective of health as a whole, since the exposome influences the appearance of cancers and other diseases. These days are therefore aimed not only at academic researchers, dermo-cosmetology industrialists, project managers, R&D managers, but also at all health actors, doctors, pharmacists.

Aurélie Pagnon – This event is a priori reserved for professionals because of its very specialized scientific approach, but the subject concerns the general public just as much, for the sake of education. It is therefore accessible to those who play an information role, associations, specialized general public press, etc.

What is the profile of the stakeholders?

Nicolas Bechetoille – Each session brings together academic researchers, doctors, pharmacists, manufacturers.

What kind of message do you want to convey to dermocosmetic brands?

Nicolas Bechetoille – The central question is how to guard against harmful effects and maintain the skin in normal and healthy conditions. We therefore offer them the result of a great deal of work carried out in symbiosis to have as much data and solutions as possible and enable them to offer products that limit these harmful effects.

CIL Skin Science Days 2023
February 02-03, 2023

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