‘SATC’ Author Candace Bushnell Doesn’t See ‘Sex & The City 3’ Happening: They’ve ‘Moved On’

The rumors can be put to rest. ‘Sex and The City’ author Candace Bushnell revealed that she doesn’t think a third film will happen, admitting she ‘doesn’t see it’ in the works.

It looks like fans won’t be getting any more of the misadventures of Carrie, Miranda, Samantha, and Charlotte. Candace Bushnell, the author of Sex and The City, which the 90s and early 2000s series and subsequent two film of the same name, are based on, doesn’t see a third SATC movie happening. “I don’t see it, no,” Candace revealed in an EXCLUSIVE interview with HollywoodLife on Oct. 2 at Visionary Women. “I feel like all of the actors have really moved on and that’s that,” she shared.

Fans were holding out hope since the 2010 sequel that a third film would eventually be announced, despite the 2017 decision that production would stop completely on any plans for a third movie. Fans weren’t the only ones upset by the news, though. “I’m disappointed,” former star Sarah Jessica Parker shared following the official announcement of the film’s end back in 2017. “We had this beautiful, funny, heartbreaking, joyful, very relatable script and story.” The choice came with even more blowback, as Kim Cattrall‘s hand in the film’s demise came to light. The actress didn’t sign on for a third installment, resulting in some tension with SJP, who was clearly on-board for the sequel. With that, the movie was over before it even began.

While a third film won’t be happening, SATC still lives on. Candace admitted that she still sees flashes of the characters in the world today, finding similarities between the characters and this generation’s young women. “I think that they’re similar in the sense that people are people and we want relationships and we all have to navigate these emotional journeys,” the author shared. She did, however, note that it’s “different these days. With the technology and that kind of thing.”

As for any words of wisdom for this generation, Candace had some pretty apt words. “People listen but advice is not what makes relationships work,” she shared. “It’s practice. It’s all of the things that most people don’t want to do. It’s discipline. It’s sacrifice. It’s being able to not put yourself first. It’s being able to step back and look at the world in a not completely egotistical way and it takes people a while to learn how to do that, men and women.”

Sourse: hollywoodlife.com

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